Women’s Holistic Health Coaching

Do you have a health issue that is decreasing your quality of life and want professional advice on what you can do for yourself and what treatment modalities are best suited for your situation? 

Are you a new mother, isolated at home, and need help and support as you navigate all the choices you are presented with as a mom?

Are you in pain and feel hopeless to help yourself?

All of these reasons and more are perfect for a tele-health visit with our clinical director, Shelby VanCleve. As a Certified Women’s Integrative Medicine Institute Practitioner, trained by Dr. Aviva Romm, she uses functional medicine, functional nutrition, mind-body therapies, and positive psychology. She provides encouragement and accountability based on lab testing and a comprehensive health history.

The Process

For new patients, once you book your Initial Women’s Health Coaching Telehealth, you will receive a link to complete your health history online. Once completed, your practitioner will review all your information prior to your scheduled video consult. We use a HIPPA secure platform for our video sessions that you can logon to through your patient portal, by following a link sent to you via email.

When it is time for your session, we will connect virtually for one hour and discuss all aspects of your health and wellness. You will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions while we gather all the necessary information to make a complete diagnosis and treatment plan. A few days to a week after our initial conversation, we will meet virtually again to go over your treatment plan. Your treatment plan will consist of: your Chinese Medicine and potential Western Medical diagnoses, suggested lab work and testing, recommendations in terms of diet, lifestyle, self care, and referrals within the community, herb and supplement recommendations, and a coaching frequency recommendation. We will give you advice based on your specific situation, so that you can get answers to help you with your biggest health concerns right now. Now is a good time to slow down enough to focus on your own health. Remember, health is wealth!

Also visit our 10-Day Cleanse Course.

Concerns Addressed with Health Coaching

Gut health: dysbiosis, constipation, intestinal permeability, SIBO, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, Celiac and NCGS, GERD, and H. Pylori.

Inflammation, immunity, and detoxification: frequent illness, poor detoxification, HPA axis dysregulation, thyroid issues, histamine intolerance, allergies, eczema, chronic headaches/migraines, and chronic pain .

Hormones and women’s health: hormone imbalance (estrogen excess, low estrogen, low progesterone), dysmenorrhea, breast health, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, HPV, fertility, UTI, interstitial cystitis, vaginitis, PMS, PCOS, perimenopause (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, UTI, genital symptoms, decreased libido, heart palpitations, bone health, vaginal bleeding, insomnia, anxiety/depression/mood)

Cardiovascular, metabolic, and weight: blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol

Mind and Mood: anxiety, depression, sleep disruption, fatigue, CFS/ME/SEID

Schedule Your Coaching Session

For New Patients, schedule your Initial Women’s Health Coaching Telehealth here.

Established Patients, schedule your Follow Up Women’s Health Coaching here.

Still have questions? Book a 15-minute Discovery Call!